Thank you for reading Steadfast! Did you notice any errors, or do you disagree with my interpretation of historical events? The book is long, like the history of Saint Maur, and it's unlikely that there would be no mistakes. It's equally improbable that everyone would draw the same conclusions from the developments of the past 150 years. I welcome any and all comments! Please feel free to contact Glenn Scoggins at

Errors of Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, and so on:

I tried to correct all of these during the editing and proofreading process. However, I probably missed some. If you find them, please let me know! (However, on the subject of British vs American spelling and usage, please take a look at my mea culpa on page 12 of the Introduction.) Thanks to those eagle-eyed readers who already pointed out errors, which were corrected before the digital E-book was published on August 1, 2024.

Factual Errors:

These are more serious, and I attempted to double- and triple-check the accuracy of all facts. Again, if you find that I've slipped up, please accept my apology in advance--and then be sure to inform me! Facts are (or should be) sacred.

Differing Interpretations of History:

"Facts are sacred, but comment is free." This aphorism by C. P. Scott, veteran editor of the Manchester Guardian, is as true now as when he wrote it in 1921. As I wrote on page 414, "this book is not an authorized history of Saint Maur, and it was never submitted for approval by current or former administrators. The historical judgments are entirely my own, and they are open to challenge and criticism. I would be happy if they stimulated deeper historical analysis by all readers." I heartily invite you to share your divergent opinions and interpretations on any topic in the book! An honest exchange of analyses and conclusions can only lead to a more nuanced understanding of the past.

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